

Hong Kong Culture Hub in Tokyo

Cafe, Bookstore & Event space

Visitor Information
About Us - 私たちの使命

- 日本と香港をつなぐ -

- Bridging Japan and Hong Kong -
Uniting Visionaries in Culture, Business, Design, Art, and Innovation

Victoria 1842 は、香港の文化と価値を日本へ紹介していくことを使命としたプラットフォームです。東京の中心である新宿区に位置しながらも、都会の喧騒を離れた空間に誕生しました。市ヶ谷駅と牛込神楽坂駅から徒歩圏内という利便性と、時間がゆったりと流れる贅沢さを兼ね備えた、唯一無二の場所です。当プラットフォームは、日本と香港を結ぶビジネスの架け橋として機能するだけでなく、両地域のデザインやアートの交流を促進し、同じ志を持つ革新的なスタートアップ企業を支援します。Victoria 1842は、アジアの二大都市間の創造的シナジーを生み出す、イノベーションのインキュベーターを目指しています。

Victoria 1842 is a platform in Tokyo to introduce the culture and value of Hong Kong to Japan. Although the Victoria 1842 building is located in Shinjuku-ku, in the center of Tokyo, it is in a quiet environment a little away from the bustling area. It is conveniently accessible from Ichigaya Station and Ushigome-Kagurazaka Station, it offers a unique space where time flows at a leisurely pace. More than just a physical space, Victoria 1842 aspires to be the catalyst for a new era of Japan-Hong Kong synergy. It serves as a dynamic nexus where visionary business leaders, designers, artists, and innovative startups converge. By fostering collaboration among these creative minds, Victoria 1842 aims to spark a renaissance of cross-cultural innovation, cementing its role as the premier hub for forging lasting ties between these two influential global cities.

Basement - 地下



A space surrounded by red walls and antique furniture, evoking the essence of Hong Kong. Discover our curated collection of Hong Kong-inspired merchandise, featuring books, T-shirts, artwork, and handcrafted items from different vendors.

1st & 2nd Floor - 1&2階


歴史が息づく "Victoria 1842" の世界へようこそ。優雅なコロニアルスタイルが薫る空間で、香港の豊かな歴史に触れながら、スペシャルティコーヒー、香港スタイルのドリンクやスナックをどうぞ。

Welcome to the world of "Victoria 1842," where history comes alive. Immerse yourself in Hong Kong's rich heritage within our elegant colonial-style setting, while savoring specialty coffee, Hong Kong-style beverages, and delectable snacks.

3rd floor - 3階

Event space


A bright, sunlit space reminiscent of the tropical atmosphere of Hong Kong will make your event even more special. This versatile venue is perfect for a wide range of events, including exhibitions, art galleries, pop-up stores, and networking gatherings. Let this space inspire new connections and creativity.

Visitor information - 営業時間&アクセス
[ Opening Hours 営業時間 ]
- Café カフェ -
木曜 - 日曜
Thursday to Sunday

11:00 - 18:00
- Bookstore 書店 -
The bookstore is currently operating on temporary business hours.
※Please follow our IG, Facebook and X for the latest update of the opening hours.
[ Access アクセス ]
15-10 Haraikatamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
7 min from Ichigaya station & Ushigome Kagurazaka station
RENTAL SPACE - レンタルスペース